I got tired of banging my head against the wall with the toolchain compiling. So I decided to just work on something else for a while.

This morning, I connected the CTS and RTS to the RS232 port. So, I’ll start to see if I can do hardware flow control. Which I want since I have 1) a slow processor, 2) a limited 8 byte FIFO in the MAX3110E, and 3) a plan to run at the maximum baud rate. I still have to tie the IRQ to the CPU. Then I’ll be done with communication connections.

I also am working on the parts of the C library that are missing while I’m not getting the toolchain to compile. Since the printf formatting has all kinds of stuff in it, I am just going to write my own minimal formatter. It won’t do everything, but it will do everything I need. No floating point or  long long.

I also wrote some test code so I know that it works. At least well enough for now–with correct input.

  1 // Formatter for printf, sprintf, vprintf, vsprintf, etc.
  2 //  This is a very light and minimal formatter that includes only
  3 //  a subset of the standard functionality. This list explains what
  4 //  this light version is capable of:
  5 //    %c - print character
  6 //    %s - print string
  7 //    %% - print '%'
  8 //    %d - print signed int
  9 //    %x - print unsigned int in hex
 10 //    %p - print 2 byte unsigned pointer in hex
 11 //    %#[xduls] - print and pad to # characters. If # starts with 0, use
 12 //        leading zeros on unsigned int/long
 13 //    %-#[sulds] - as above, but right justify
 14 //    %l[xd] - 4 byte long instead of 2 byte int
 15 //    %u[xd] - unsigned
 17 void print_int(uint32_t data, int base, bool isUnsigned, bool leadingZeroes, int size, int length, bool rightJustify, char** pBuffer, void(*write)(char c, char** pBuffer))
 18 {
 19     char buf[BUFLEN];
 20     static const char* ascii = "0123456789abcdef";
 21     int i = BUFLEN - 1;
 22     bool negSign = false;
 23     uint32_t udata = data;
 24     if (!isUnsigned && ((int32_t)data) < 0)
 25     {
 26         negSign = true;
 27         udata = (~data) + 1;
 28     }
 29     if (size == 2)
 30     {
 31         udata &= 0xffff;
 32     }
 33     do
 34     {
 35         buf[i--] = ascii[udata % base];
 36         udata = udata / base;
 37     } while (udata != 0);
 39     if (negSign)
 40     {
 41         buf[i--] = '-';
 42     }
 43     while (i >= 0 && length > (BUFLEN - i))
 44     {
 45         buf[i--] = leadingZeroes ? '0' : ' ';
 46     }
 47     i++; // move to the valid data
 48     for (; i < BUFLEN; i++)
 49     {
 50         write(buf[i], pBuffer);
 51     }
 52 }
 54 int print_format(void(*write)(char c, char** pBuffer), char** pBuffer, const char* format, va_list ap)
 55 {
 56     char c;
 57     char* start = *pBuffer;
 58     int16_t len;
 59     bool isunsigned;
 60     int16_t base;
 61     bool leadingZero;
 62     bool neg;
 63     int16_t padding;
 64     long data;
 65     char* p;
 66     int i;
 68     // while not at end of line
 69     while (c = *format++)
 70     {
 71         if (c != '%')
 72         {
 73             write(c, pBuffer);
 74         }
 75         else
 76         {
 77             bool done = false;
 78             len = 2;
 79             isunsigned = false;
 80             leadingZero = false;
 81             neg = false;
 82             padding = 0;
 83             while (!done)
 84             {
 85                 c = *format++;
 86                 switch (c)
 87                 {
 88                 case '%':
 89                     write(c, pBuffer);
 90                     done = true;
 91                     break;
 92                 case 's':
 93                     // get ptr from va_list
 94                     p = va_arg(ap, char*);
 95                     if (padding > 0)
 96                     {
 97                         int slen = strlen(p);
 98                         int spaces = padding - slen;
 99                         if (spaces > 0)
100                         {
101                             // padded string
102                             if (neg)
103                             {
104                                 for (i = 0; i < spaces; i++)
105                                 {
106                                     write(' ', pBuffer);
107                                 }
108                             }
110                             while (c = *p)
111                             {
112                                 write(c, pBuffer);
113                             }
115                             if (!neg)
116                             {
117                                 for (i = 0; i < spaces; i++)
118                                 {
119                                     write(' ', pBuffer);
120                                 }
121                             }
122                         }
123                         else
124                         {
125                             // string longer than padding
126                             while (c = *p)
127                             {
128                                 write(c, pBuffer);
129                             }
130                         }
131                     }
132                     else
133                     {
134                         while (c = *p)
135                         {
136                             write(c, pBuffer);
137                         }
138                     }
139                     done = true;
140                     break;
141                 case 'c':
142                     c = va_arg(ap, int); // char is promoted to int
143                     write(c, pBuffer);
144                     done = true;
145                     break;
146                 case 'h':
147                     len = 2;
148                     break;
149                 case 'u':
150                     isunsigned = true;
151                     break;
152                 case 'l':
153                     len = 4;
154                     break;
155                 case '-':
156                     neg = true;
157                     break;
158                 case '0':
159                     if (!padding)
160                     {
161                         // if no padding yet, then this means leading zeroes are shown
162                         leadingZero = true;
163                     }
164                     // fall through
165                 case '1':
166                 case '2':
167                 case '3':
168                 case '4':
169                 case '5':
170                 case '6':
171                 case '7':
172                 case '8':
173                 case '9':
174                     padding = padding * 10 + c - '0';
175                     break;
176                 case 'p':
177                     isunsigned = true;
178                     len = 2;
179                 case 'd':
180                 case 'x':
181                     base = c == 'd' ? 10 : 16; // 16 on x or p
182                     if (len == 4)
183                     {
184                         data = va_arg(ap, long);
185                     }
186                     else
187                     {
188                         data = va_arg(ap, int);
189                     }
190                     print_int(data, base, isunsigned, leadingZero, len, padding, neg, pBuffer, write);
191                     done = true;
192                     break;
193                 }
194             }
195         }
196     }
197     **pBuffer = '\0';
198     return *pBuffer - start;
199 }