My flash programmer/bus controller PC app and Arduino app now talk to the GPIO/SPI CPLD. Here is how I set the baud rate on the MAX3110E UART now:

fp gpioout 1 1
fp gpiodir 1 1

fp gpioout 1 0
fp clock 8

fp spireg 40
fp spictrl 28
fp clock 50

fp spireg 0a
fp spictrl 28
fp clock 50

fp clock 1
fp gpioout 1 1

fp spireg ff

I also finished the Intel Hex flash programmer. It’s not fast, but it works. It will do until I can have flash programming built into the Z-80 code.

So, I decided that I should come up with a way to ensure the CPU is working with something simple. So I decided to try this: which will just spam ‘A’ out the serial port (I think–need to make sure I have enough NOPs and make sure it really does what I think it does).

This is spam.s:

 1 .area _CODE
 2 ;.org 0
 4 ; configure GPIO 0 to high
 5  ld a, #1
 6  out (0x80), a
 8 ; configure GPIO 0 to output
 9  ld a, #1
10  out (0x81), a
12 ; configure GPIO 0 to low
13  ld a, #0
14  out (0x80), a
16 ; write c0 to MAX3110E (configure)
17  ld a, #0xc0
18  out (0x83), a
20  ld a, #0x28
21  out (0x84), a
23  nop
24  nop
25  nop
26  nop
27  nop
28  nop
29  nop
30  nop
33 ; write 0a to MAX3110E (9600 baud)
34  ld a, #0x0a
35  out (0x83), a
37  ld a, #0x28
38  out (0x84), a
40  nop
41  nop
42  nop
43  nop
44  nop
45  nop
46  nop
47  nop
49 ; configure GPIO 0 to high
50  ld a, #1
51  out (0x80), a
53 loop:
55 ; configure GPIO 0 to low
56  ld a, #0
57  out (0x80), a
59 ; write 40 to MAX3110E (write)
60  ld a, #0x40
61  out (0x83), a
63  ld a, #0x28
64  out (0x84), a
66  nop
67  nop
68  nop
69  nop
70  nop
71  nop
72  nop
73  nop
76 ; write 0a to MAX3110E ('A')
77  ld a, #0x41
78  out (0x83), a
80  ld a, #0x28
81  out (0x84), a
83  nop
84  nop
85  nop
86  nop
87  nop
88  nop
89  nop
90  nop
92 ; configure GPIO 0 to high
93  ld a, #1
94  out (0x80), a
96  jr loop

It’s assembled with this:

cygwin-bash$ sdasz80 -o spam.s
cygwin-bash$ sdld -i spam.rel

where -o causes the .rel to be generated and -i causes the linker to produce a .ihx file.

which produces spam.ihx:


Those strings of zeroes are the ‘nop’ opcodes, so it looks reasonable. I have already used the new Intel Hex feature of the flash programmer to program it to the flash. So once the Z-80 is plugged in, it should immediately start spamming ‘A’ to the serial port.

So, now I’m getting ready to make the connections I need to insert the 2MHz oscillator, RAM, and Z80. I need to:

  • rewire RESET to the button
  • BUSACK to the flash programming system
  • BUSREQ to the flash programming system and pulled high
  • INT pulled high (for now)
  • WAIT pulled permanently high
  • CLK to oscillator
  • oscillator OE pulled permanently high
  • bank switch CPLD CS0 to flash CE
  • bank switch CPLD CS1 to SRAM CE
  • bank switch Aout14-17 to flash and SRAM