It’s been a while since my last update. I have been hard at work on my updated flash programmer turning it into a general bus controller so that I can test the MCU CPLD. I am close to having all the code ready to show in an upcoming blog post.

I ensured that it still works with the flash. I also added a bunch of new lines from the Arduino.

Here is the latest picture:

And the back:

Now it’s time to start hooking up the MCU CPLD. From the .lco file:

 2 Layer = OFF;
 3 pins_A_15_ = pin,39,-,D,-;
 4 pins_Aout_3_ = pin,25,-,C,-;
 5 pins_D_7_ = pin,37,-,D,-;
 6 pin_CLK = pin,11,-,-,-;
 7 pin_nRESET = pin,29,-,C,-;
 8 pin_nWR = pin,33,-,-,-;
 9 pin_nRD = pin,28,-,C,-;
10 pin_nMREQ = pin,40,-,D,-;
11 pin_nIORQ = pin,27,-,C,-;
12 pin_nM1 = pin,42,-,D,-;
13 pin_nHALT = pin,18,-,B,-;
14 pin_nBUSACK = pin,38,-,D,-;
15 pin_nCS0 = pin,5,-,A,-;
16 pin_nCS1 = pin,2,-,A,-;
17 pins_A_14_ = pin,36,-,D,-;
18 pins_A_7_ = pin,17,-,B,-;
19 pins_A_6_ = pin,16,-,B,-;
20 pins_A_5_ = pin,15,-,B,-;
21 pins_A_4_ = pin,14,-,B,-;
22 pins_A_3_ = pin,9,-,A,-;
23 pins_A_2_ = pin,8,-,A,-;
24 pins_A_1_ = pin,7,-,A,-;
25 pins_A_0_ = pin,6,-,A,-;
26 pins_Aout_2_ = pin,24,-,C,-;
27 pins_Aout_1_ = pin,21,-,B,-;
28 pins_Aout_0_ = pin,20,-,B,-;
29 pins_D_6_ = pin,26,-,C,-;
30 pins_D_5_ = pin,30,-,C,-;
31 pins_D_4_ = pin,43,-,D,-;
32 pins_D_3_ = pin,31,-,C,-;
33 pins_D_2_ = pin,4,-,A,-;
34 pins_D_1_ = pin,19,-,B,-;
35 pins_D_0_ = pin,41,-,D,-;
36 pin_nNMI = pin,3,-,A,-;